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CONQA is an advanced software technology that provides an industry-wide solution to quality assurance within the construction industry. CONQA helps contractors realise the true value of quality assurance by making it easy to execute, allowing construction businesses to excel by minimising human error, streamlining operations, and adding significant dollars to their bottom line.

CONQA's vision is a construction industry driven by quality. CONQA believes in increasing levels of integrity and transparency on the worksite.Globally, the construction industry is expected to output US $15T of construction activity annually, by 2030.

The Get it Right Institute in the UK estimates that close to 21% of that is the direct cost of avoidable error. CONQA's products have been proven in the market to reduce avoidable rework by 80%. CONQA's opportunity is in reducing the forecasted $3T cost of avoidable errors.

Founder Testimonial